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We are a company committed to the eradication of boring presentations.  We've sat through years of both outstanding and exhausting presentations.  In the process of analyzing the difference it became clear the fundamental distinction was the interesting ones were marinated with creative metaphors, examples, illustrations, and humor.  For many people, that is the most difficult part of the presentation process.  The data is often easy, since you deal with that every day.  But how to keep it interesting and vital and focused is the challenge.  The reality is we all want impact as the result.  We can help give you that.

Skip Sharrer has presented to numerous groups and meetings over 25 years in various areas such as IT, security, and theology.  Let's face it.  If IT can be exciting, anything can. He also has taught at his church for years and has a history of using Powerpoint presentations for his studies, with a penchant for inserting cat pictures where applicable (and they're always applicable).  He additionally was his Rotary club president for a year and became known as the "Powerpoint President" for his creative meetings.  He'd be glad to help you spruce up your presentations as you'd like to make them not only enjoyable, but product more impact.

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